Jeff Troupe Fine Art | July 2018 Newsletter

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house painting home portrait

Wendy and Mark's, 9"x12", oil on canvas

Painting people's homes is very rewarding a quite a unique artistic challenge. The personality of the occupants has to be evident in the painting. I use lighting carefully to highlight my focal point in the painting and also spend more time there creating small detail. The peripheries of the painting generally have less contrast, detail and less sharp edges to really focus the viewers attention where I want it. In the case of this work, the porch/patio area is the star attraction with pops of color in the flower beds and long shadows leading your eye in.


Whitefish Montana oil painting big mountain

The Ski village, 15"x30", oil on canvas

Center Street in downtown Whitefish is the hub for this little ski village which is also a great place to visit in the summer with its great mountain biking, water sports and shopping. The late afternoon sun at the end of a lazy early summer Montana day, brightly illuminated the last remaining snow atop the slopes of Big Mountain Ski Resort.


Morning Rays plein air painting

Morning Rays, Oil on canvas, 4"x6"

Montana's beauty never ceases to amaze me. On an early morning jog at about 5:30AM, the sun peaked out over the Swans and parted the deep indigo clouds with brilliant rays of light. Thankfully I had my camera handy and was able to complete this little studio study which could lead to a larger scale work in the future.